Kristi Luvs' Story

Hey everybody it's Kristi Luv! After 20 years in Corporate America I said enough is enough. Sometimes the passion and purpose outweighs everything and there is no need to make excuses anymore. My mantra has been "Faith Over Fear" and I know that with God all things are possible. I am passionate about loving myself and others unconditionally. While working to reach our full potential we have to know that we are already great and there are wonderful things inside of us.
KLC is a plus boutique that caters to plus size women. It's more than just clothes for me. Its about letting women know that there is something for everyone. Its about building up the inside so it will show up on the outside. Yes honey we are fabulous.
I am a wife, mother and everyone's Sissy! My family is greatest blessing and their love and support means the world to me. Now that you know a little about me. What you waiting for? Let's shop!
Kristi Luv